Family constellations
Who am I?References Testimonials

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Copyright ©2009

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“When I am working I am not there, and at the same time I am right there.”
Karel Appel, Dutch painter

My name is Mia Macke. I was born in 1949 and have been fascinated by human relations all of my life.
I have many years experience working within a community-focused organisation, running courses in conflict handling, and communication training.
My personal development has been extensive over the years, consisting of attending courses in (intuitive) drawing and painting, spiritual development, meditation, chanting, macrobiotics (Eastern philosophy incorporating dietary advice), movement and dance, and several forms of therapy work.

I came across a leaflet about Family Constellations course and I just knew that I had to attend it. The moment I heard of a course being available for training facilitators, I never looked back – I had to book myself onto it.

Following my training, I attended seminars with Bert Hellinger (founder of constellations work), Johannes Schmidt (body-based trauma work and constellations), Franz Ruppert (family constellations work and trauma work), Daan van Kampenhout (family constellations and shamanism), Stephan Hausner (constellations work with illnesses), in order to be able to serve my clients better and better, and to work on my own issues.