Family constellations
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Copyright ©2013

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REFERENCES - Family constellations

Workshops with open subscription for adults

  • As from 2005 monthly workshops in my own practice
  • Workshops in other organisations in Holland

Workshops with students

Starting in 2009, High school InHolland in Haarlem, The Netherlands, offers students the possibility to choose to attend an 8-weeks programme, titled “Find your source”. The programme is based on inner listening/meditation, introducing a.o. yoga, tai chi, music, drama and family constellations, which I facilitate. This minor is very popular, working with 2 groups of students each period.

Workshops for (young) adults during festivals in Holland and abroad

  • Dutch Association for Macrobiotics NVvM, as from 2005 twice a year
  • One World Summer Festival
    • England, August 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
    • Scotland, May 2008, 2009
  • 1-TOBE spiritual party in Holland, October and December 2006, December 2007, December 2008
  • Vlierhof festival, Germany, july 2006